College News| Pages


News | june 07, 2024


The National Defence College Holds the Second Diners’ Club

Mr KM Mahinda Siriwardane, the esteemed Secretary to the Treasury and Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilisation, and National Policies, .....

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News | june 06, 2024


Major General Scott Winter, Deputy Commanding General-Australia, United States Army Pacific (USARPAC) visits the National Defence College of Sri Lanka

A delegation led by Major General Scott Winter, Deputy Commanding General-Australia, United States Army Pacific (USARPAC), .....

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News | june 03, 2024


The National Defence College visits the Port Authority and Colombo Dockyard Limited

A local study visit was carried out by the NS&SS Course 3/2024 as per the economic security module on 30 May 2024 .....

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News | May 22, 2024


NDC Course 3/2024 Visits The Central Bank of Sri Lanka

As part of their comprehensive curriculum on economic security, the Course Participants of the National Defence College had the unique opportunity to visit .....

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News | May, 15 2024


The National Defence College Concludes International Collaborative Study Package (ICSP) 2024

As part of the course curriculum, the Course Participants of NS&SS Course 3/2024 embarked on significant study visits to India, Indonesia, and Pakistan......

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News | April, 25 2024


Deputy Chief of Staff of the Land Forces of the Russian Federation Visits the National Defence College

The National Defence College Sri Lanka warmly welcomed Major General Sviridov Vladimir, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Land Forces of the Russian.....

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News | April, 11 2024


The National Defence College Celebrates The New Year

On the vibrant evening of 5th April 2024, the National Defence College hosted a spectacular New Year festival at the Barnhouse Studio at Hirana - Panadura. The event was a blend of traditions, camaraderie, and cultural exchanges, bringing together local and foreign Course Participants to.....

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News | April, 05 2024


The Australian Defence Attaché visits the National Defence College

The Australian Defence Attaché, Colonel Amanda Johnson, CSC, and Bar, ndc paid an official visit to the National Defence College Sri Lanka on 4th April 2024 to mark the official donation of books to the NDC library. .....

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News | March, 27 2024


Study visit to The Department of National Archives (NDC Course 03/2024)

To acquire knowledge on services rendered to the public by the National Archive services, access to records and publications, and to understand the objectives and functions, Participants of NDC Course 03 engaged in a perceptive study visit to the Department of National Archives on 26 March 2024.....

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News | March, 25 2024


NDC Course 3/2024 Visits Strategically Significant Trincomalee

On the vibrant evening of 5th April 2024, the National Defence College hosted a spectacular New Year festival at the Barnhouse Studio at Hirana - Panadura. The event was a blend of traditions, camaraderie, and cultural exchanges, bringing together.............

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News | March, 14 2024


The First “Diners Club” Event of National Defence College Course Number 03/2024

National Security and Strategic Studies (NS&SS) Course No 3/2024, the “DINERS CLUB” evocative event was held on 14 March 2024, in a pristine environment at the NDC green lawn. ...........

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News | March, 07 2024


Study visit to Sri Lanka Parliament

The participants of the National Defence College course No 3/2024 undertook a meaningful visit to the Sri Lanka Parliament (07 Mar 2024). ...........

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News | March, 06 2024


Study visit to Colombo National Museum

Currently, participants of NDC Course No: 3/2024 are following the Sri Lanka studies module. In an effort to deepen their understanding of historical evidence, early civilization, and cultural advancements in Sri Lanka, the NDC delegation undertook a visit to the Colombo National Museum (06 Mar 2024). ...........

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News | March, 06 2024


United States Air War College Delegation Engages with NDC a day of Insightful Exchange

The Course Participants and the Faculty of National Security and Strategic Studies (NS&SS) Course No 3/2024 of the National Defence College successfully completed a study tour to Trincomalee with the aim of broadening the knowledge spectrum...........

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News | Jan 19, 2024


The “ICE BREAKER” gathering of NDC Course Number 03 was held at the college premises on 19 January 2024

The college orchestrated an event designed to foster interaction among Course Participants and their spouses, providing an opportunity for engagement with faculty members. Major General Sujeewa Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, the Commandant...........

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News | Jan 16, 2024


NDC Commenced The Third Batch of The National Security and Strategic Studies Course 03/2024 With International Participants

In a historic moment, the National Defence College, Sri Lanka embarked on its main annual academic programme, National Security and Strategic Studies Course No 03/2024 today (16 January 2024)...........

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News | Jan 01, 2024


NDC commenced Year 2024 with the first working day with a proactive approach

The first working day of 2024 was marked with a formal ceremony at NDC today (01 January), evincing due prominence to flag hoisting, recitation of the National Anthem, swearing in the Government Service......................

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News | Nov 21, 2023


The Graduation Ceremony of The National Defence College Course Number 02 Concludes in a Successful Note

The Graduation Ceremony for the second batch of the National Security and Strategic Studies Course at the National Defence College Sri Lanka took place on November 21, 2023, at the Eagles' Lakeside Banquet & Convention Hall in Attidiya. ...........

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News | Nov 10, 2023


Chief of Defence Staff Addresses the Course Participants of Course No 02 at NDC

Secretary to the Ministry of Defence General G.D.H. Kamal Gunaratne (Retd) WWV RWP RSP USP ndc psc MPhil delivered a lecture to Course No 02 (10 November 2023). ...........

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News | Nov 06, 2023


Chief of Defence Staff Addresses the Course Participants of Course No 02 at NDC

The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil addressed the Course Participants of the Course No 02 at NDC today (06 November 2023) ...........

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News | Nov 06, 2023


Commander of the Army Addresses The Course Participants of Course No 02 at NDC

The Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General HLVM Liyanage RWP, RSP, ndu visited the National Defence College today (06 November 2023)..........

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News | Nov 02, 2023


NDC Research Symposium 2023

The ‘NDC Research Symposium - 2023’ of National Defence College was held at the Auditorium, Faculty of Graduate Studies, KDU today (02 November 2023) under the theme of “Strategizing Security Challenges in a Dynamic Environment"...........

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News | Oct 30, 2023


The Commander of the Air Force visited the NDC

The Commander of the Sri Lanka Air Force, Air Marshal Udeni Rajapaksa RSP and two Bars, VSV, USP, MSc (MOA) USA, MSc (Def Stu) in Mgt, MA in IS&S (UK), BSc (Def Stu), MIM (SL), AMIE (SL), rcds, psc visited the..........

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News | Oct 27, 2023


The Commander of the Navy visited the NDC

Marking the annual visit of the NDC course by service commanders, the Commander of the Navy visited the NDC today (27 October 2023)..........

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News | Oct 09, 2023


National Defence College hosts 'Diners Club', featuring Sri Lankan war veterans to share Strategic insights on three decades of conflict

In an another profoundly enlightening ‘Diners Club’ event, the National Defence College, brought together a distinguished group of Sri Lankan war veterans to share their profound experiences and strategic insights with course..........

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News | Oct 06, 2023


The Net Assessment Capsule for Course No. 02

The Net Assessment Capsule was held as a 5-day programme from 02 October 2023 to 06 October 2023. Brigadier Santosh Kumar Nair (Head of Faculty,.........

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News | Sep 25, 2023


NDC concluded International Collaborative Study Package (ICSP)

NDC concluded International Collaborative Study Package (ICSP) which scheduled as per annual course curriculum of NDC course number 02.........

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News | Sep 08, 2023


The Commandant NDC Bangladesh Lieutenant General Md Akbar Hossain SBP, BSP, SUP (BAR), afwc, psc, G+, PhD visited the NDC Sri Lanka

Accepting the invitation made by the Commandant National Defence College Sri Lanka, Commandant to the National Defence College Bangladesh, Lieutenant General Md Akbar Hossain SBP, BSP, SUP (BAR), afwc, psc, G+, PhD visited the NDC Sri Lanka today (08 September 2023),.........

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News | Sep 07, 2023


The Commandant NDC Sri Lanka Maj Gen DGS Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu and the course NO 2 attended 16th international research conference held at KDU

The Commandant NDC Sri Lanka Maj Gen DGS Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu and the course NO 2 attended 16th international research conference held at General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University yesterday (07 September 2023). .........

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News | Aug 31, 2023


Minister of Foreign Affairs Honourable MUM Ali Sabry PC, MP at the NDC Dinners’ Club

The "DINERS CLUB" event was held yesterday (31 August 2023) at the College Auditorium in accordance with the course curriculum of the.........

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News | Aug 28, 2023


Indian NDC delegation visits National Defence College

A delegation from the Indian National Defence College (NDC) led by Rear Admiral Sanjay Sachdeva Head of Delegation (HOD) visited NDC.........

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News | Aug 21, 2023


Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka delivers a Lecture at NDC

A very important, timely and productive lecture was conducted by Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka today (21 August).........

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News | Aug 10, 2023


Mr. Austin Fernando delivers a lecture

Mr. Austin Fernando visited the NDC to conduct a lecture on a topic related to Geo – Politics and Strategy today (10 August 23).........

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News | July 14, 2023


NDC launched its first ever Research Journal

Being highest seat of military education in the country and after being inauguration, first ever Research Journal of 2022 was launched........

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News | July 05, 2023


Ambassador Ravinatha Ariyasinghe delivers a lecture

As per the scheduled programme during the second semester, a lecture was conducted on “Emerging Trends and Looming Challengers.........

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News | June 23, 2023


NDU People’s Republic of China visited NDC

A delegation from the Joint Operation College of National Defence University (NDU) the People’s Republic of China visited the National Defence College today (23th June 2023)........

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News | June 08, 2023


Scholars from US ISGA conducted sessions at NDC

Being one of the most important resourceful academia entitles in the NDC, United States Institute for Security Governance Agency (US ISGA) Officials.......

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News | June 06, 2023


Course No: 02 visited Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) and Air Force Base Katunayake

National Defence College conducted its local visit during 5th module to BIA and SLAF today. The Chairmen and officials of BIA briefed the aviation function.......

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News | May 29, 2023


Mr. Arun Dawson from the Department of War Studies at King's College London delivers a Lecture

Mr. Arun Dawson from the Department of War Studies at King's College London, conducted an informative lecture on the topic of 'Ensuring Security.......

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News | May 25, 2023


A delegation from the Kings College London visited NDC and had an interaction session with Course Participants

A delegation, led by Defence attaché of the United Kingdom, Colonel Paul Clayton, and representatives from Kings College London.......

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News | May 18, 2023


Study Visit to Sri Lanka Ports Authority, Sri Lanka Custom, Colombo Dockyard limited and Colombo Port City

Being one of the most important resourceful academia entitles in the NDC, United States Institute for Security Governance Agency.......

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News | May 03, 2023


National Defence College Warmly Welcomes Major General Chris Smith (Australian Army)

A delegation, comprising of five members with Head of Delegation from US Army pacific visited the NDC during the visit to Sri Lanka.......

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News | May 02, 2023


National Defence College Warmly Welcomes The Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force

A delegation, headed by Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari PVSM AVSM VM ADC Chief of the Air Staff.....

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News | April 26, 2023


Nigerian NDC delegation visits National Defence College

A Nigerian National Defence College (NDC) delegation, comprising its student officers and directing staff, visited the National Defence College today (24th April 2023). ..........

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News | April 19, 2023


Course Participants of NDC Visits Trincomalee

The course participants of the NDC course number 2 were given an opportunity to visit the Naval Dockyard, Trincomalee as part of their course curriculum from April 19 to April 22, 2023..........

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News | April 17, 2023


Dr. W A Wijewardena delivers a Lecture at NDC

Dr. W A Wijewardena delivered a Lecture on "Economic security as an integral part of National security " today (17 April ) at NDC.........

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News | March 22, 2023


A “Diners Club” Event Held at The NDC

As per the course curriculum of the National Security and Strategic Studies (NS&SS) Course “DINERS CLUB” event was held on 22 March 2023 at the NDC with the presence of Prof Sarath Kotagama........

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News | March 16, 2023


The Newly Appointed Commandant Assumed Duties

Major General DGS Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu the present Deputy Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army took office as the 2nd Commandant (Overlooking) of the National Defence College (NDC) on 16 March 2023..........

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News | March 14, 2023


Study Visit to National Museum and National Archives by NDC Course No: 2/2023

As a part of the Academic curriculum, local visits are arranged to locations of historical value to get wider exposure and first-hand knowledge, and understanding of the impact, prospects and key activities of the project or institute..........

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News | March 13, 2023


National Defence College Bids Farewell To Major General Amal Karunasekara RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc MSc

The National Defence College (NDC) bids farewell to its outgoing commandant, Major General Amal Karunasekara RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc MSc in a formal ceremony held on 13 March 2023 at the NDC. The retiring senior officer was accorded a Guard turnout and honoured with the Guard of honour by the troops of the Sri Lanka Navy..........

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News | Feb 14 , 2023


Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka delivers a Lecture at NDC

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka delivered a Lecture on "Mao as a Strategist and Strategic Culture of China under Mao Tse - tung" today (14 February) at NDC. Mrs Sanja Jayatilleka, the spouse of the DR. Dayan also participated the session. ........

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News | Feb 08 , 2023


Print exhibition organized by the Awarelogue Initiative at NDC in view of the 75th independence celebrated in 2023

The independence print exhibition organized by the Awarelogue Initiative in view of the 75th independence anniversary of Sri Lanka was held on 08 February 2023 (Today) at the Library of the NDC..........

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News | Feb 03 , 2023


The Nepal Defence Attaché calls on the Commandant NDC

Colonel Ram Chandra Khatry, Nepal Defence Attaché to Sri Lanka paid a Courtesy Call on Major General Amal Karunasekara RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc MSc, Commandant, National Defence College, Sri Lanka on Friday, 03 February 2023 at the National Defence College..........

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News | Jan 13 , 2023


The “ICE BREAKER” session of National Defence College Course Number 02/2023

The “ICE BREAKER” session of National Defence College Course Number 02 (NDC 02) was held at the NDC premises on 13 January 2023..........

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News | Jan 10 , 2023


NDC Welcomes The Second Batch Of The National Security and Strategic Studies Course 02/2023

The National Defence College embarked on its main annual academic programme, National Security and Strategic Studies Course No 02/2023 on 09 January with the participation of 36 senior officers of the Sri Lanka Armed Forces and Police......

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News | Jan 02 , 2023


NDC Welcomes The First Working Day of The Year 2023

Signifying the dawn of the New Year 2023 and commencement of the first working day, a simple and formal ceremony was held at NDC (02 January), evincing due prominence to flag hoisting, reciting of the national anthem, paying tribute to fallen war heroes and reading the oath of public servants followed by the address of the Commandant, NDC..........

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News | Dec 13 , 2022


National Defence College Warmly Welcomes The Chief of Naval Staff, Indian Navy

A delegation, headed by Admiral R Hari Kumar PVSM AVSM VSM ADC, Chief of Naval Staff, paid a courtesy visit to NDC and the delegation was welcomed by the Commandant Major General Amal Karunasekara RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc MSc this morning (13 Dec)..........

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News | Dec 08 , 2022


National Defence College Warmly Welcomes The Defence Attaché orientation Course No. 5 Along with The Members of The Geneva Centre for Security Policy

A delegation of the Defence Attaché Orientation Course No.5 along with the members of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, visited the National Defence College on 08 December 2022. The Commandant Major General Amal Karunasekara RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc MSc warmly welcomed the team. A brief introduction of the NDC was conducted by the Secretary NDC and they were fortune to visit the college Library, and the premises..........

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News | Dec 08 , 2022


The NDC First Batch Adds a New Chapter to The College History

Eleven eminent scholars of the NDC first batch were able to achieve their MSc at the General Convocation 2022 held on 11 November at the BMICH. As a result of all the hard work, dedication, commitment, and enthusiasm paid off, these officers were eligible to use MSc title, behind their names.........

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News | Nov 14 , 2022


NDC Celebrates Its First Anniversary

A charming ceremony was commenced with the hoisting of the College Flag by the Commandant. It followed a troop address and an all-rank tea with the participation of officers and cross section of Other Ranks.......

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News | Nov 02 , 2022


National Defence College warmly welcomes the United Kingdom Defence Academy Delegation

A delegation, headed by the Chief Executive and Commandant Defence Academy of the United Kingdom Major General AM Roe CB, paid a courtesy call on the Commandant Major General Amal Karunasekara RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc MSc this afternoon (02 Nov) at the NDC.....

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News | Sep 15 , 2022


The Commandant NDC hosted a dinner in honour of the NDC Student Officers

All Officers with the student body of the NDC Course No.1 had been invited for a special dinner by the Commandant, Major General Amal Karunasekara with his lady Dananjanie Karunasekara on 15 September 2022....

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News | Sep 15, 2022


NDC Pinning Ceremony

An official acronym was introduced to “ndc” and “ndu” qualified Sri Lankan Officers for the first time at the National Defence College today (15 September 2022)....

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National Defence College
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Colombo 03
Sri Lanka
+94 011 23 27 061
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