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Master of Philosophy Programme (MPhil)

An MPhil degree will be conferred on those who complete a two-year period of (full-time) research, follow the compulsory subjects, pass the required examinations specified in KDU By-Laws and pass the thesis review and viva voce under the guidance of an academic supervisor. Further, the research project will be commenced from the day of registration for MPhil degree programme. Apart from the research, 8 Modules of course work are conducted in the first year at NDC. Details of the relevant Modules are at Annex ‘A’, and the mode of evaluation of the Modules is as follows.

Eligibility for Provisional Registration for Master of Philosophy

No person shall seek registration as a candidate for the Degree of Master of Philosophy Programme unless he/she has:

1.      A Master’s Degree (SLQF L9/10) in a relevant field from a recognized university;


2.     A Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of four-year duration (SLQF L6) with a 1st or 2nd Class from a recognized university;


3.      A Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant field of three-year duration (SLQF L5) with a first or second Class and with a minimum of two-year experience in the relevant field;


4.      The candidate shall fulfill:

       a.     Pass Staff College (psc)/Logistics Staff Course (Lsc) or an equivalent from local or foreign institution with the        minimum of 20 years of service; (See the Document - C)


        b.      Evidence of research publications: this includes journal articles/conference abstracts or papers presented;


        c.      Any other relevant qualifications recommended by the BoS and accepted by the FB/FGS and approved by            the Senate.