Nigerian NDC delegation visits National Defence College | Pages | Gallery

Nigerian NDC delegation visits National Defence College

News | april 26, 2023


Nigerian National Defence College (NDC) delegation, comprising its student officers and directing staff, visited the National Defence College today (24th April 2023).

The Nineteen-member delegation led by Air Commodore Osichinaka Chedu UBADIKE were attended briefing by the college authority and followed by question-and-answer session on common interests to both the countries. Delegation had the opportunity to interact with local NDC course participants. Discussions centred on course materials, routinely taught in the Nigerian NDC and corresponding Sri Lankan NDC with special focus on post-conflict involvements and security scenarios in the world.

As part of the visit, Air Commodore Osichinaka Chedu UBADIKE and directing staff members called on Commandant NDC, Major General Sujeewa Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu. Meanwhile, mementoes were also exchanged between Commandant and Head of the Delegation Nigerian NDC, marking the importance of the occasion.