The Commander of The Air Force delivers a lecture at the NDC

The Commander of the Sri Lanka Air Force delivers a lecture at the NDC

News | Oct 29, 2024


The National Defence College (NDC) of Sri Lanka hosted Air Marshal RAUP Rajapaksa RSP and two Bars, VSV, USP, MSc (MOA) USA, MSc (Def Stu) in Mgt, MA in IS&S (UK), BSc (Def Stu), MIM (SL), AMIE (SL), rcds, psc, the Commander of the Sri Lanka Air Force, for an insightful lecture titled "Sri Lanka Air Force; National Security Concerns." This engaging session was part of the National Security and Strategic Studies course curriculum.

The Commander of the Sri Lanka Air Force shared his expertise on the vital role of the Sri Lanka Air Force in safeguarding the nation’s airspace and addressing emerging security challenges. The lecture was well-received by course participants, who appreciated the opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge from a senior military leader. The interaction fostered a deeper understanding of the Air Force's pivotal role in ensuring National Security and its strategic relevance to the country.