NDC Course 3/2024 Visits The Central Bank of Sri Lanka | Pages | Gallery

NDC Course 3/2024 Visits The Central Bank of Sri Lanka

News | May 22, 2024


As part of their comprehensive curriculum on economic security, the Course Participants of the National Defence College had the unique opportunity to visit the Central Bank of Sri Lanka on 22 May 2024. The visit mainly intended to delve into the intricacies of the financial governance of the Central Bank. At its core, the visit fostered a holistic understanding of the multifaceted dynamics that underpin national security. By engaging Course Participants in real-world contexts, such as the Central Bank, the College equips future military leaders with the knowledge and perspective necessary to navigate the evolving challenges of the contemporary security landscape.

Led by the esteemed Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Nandalal Weerasinghe, and the Deputy Director of Regional Development, the participants engaged in an insightful discussion and exchange of ideas, gaining deeper insights into the pivotal role played by the Central Bank in shaping the country's economic landscape.

The interactive session kept the Course Participants actively engaging with key stakeholders, posing pertinent questions and receiving comprehensive answers, thus enriching their understanding of the complex interplay between finance, governance, and national security